
We have three core services, focusing on Community, Community Groups and Stakeholders.

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Are you from the Community of Mangere or Otahuhu, that needs someone to talk to and or help connect you to the most suitable and efficient support by sourcing out local champions, community groups, social services or government agencies?

We are here to make sure any support providers gives you the level of service and care they promote. If you feel this has not been the case please contact us.

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Are you a Community Champion or Community Group based in Mangere or Otahuhu whose volunteer mahi is taking more of their time and becoming a bit overwhelming?

Then we are available to listen and offer support with your structure, governance, funding or capacity building requirements .

All groups based in Mangere or Otahuhu are welcomed to visit us or just be part of the collective network. Some of our current groups sit the the realms of(but not limited to):

  • Community Safety Services

  • Environmental projects, gardening or waste minimisation projects

  • Vulnerable support - vagrants, youth at risk, whanau support

  • Offer the community sporting, entertainment or wellbeing services - cultural performances, arts or dance related shows, provide recreational activities or programs


Are you a Stakeholder or organisation that is new to our community of Mangere or Otahuhu?

Do you need to communicate and reach our community regarding consultations, promotions, offering of new services or just new to our community?

We are here to support you with any community engagement services you may need. We are able to provide the following (but not limited to):

  • Community engagement and connections

  • Consulting and promotion services

  • Event coordination support by connecting local talent to you

  • Be part of your decision making table discussions, as we can provide feedback and voices from the community

We would like to acknowledge all the support from funders that support our mahi and our community.

DIA Lottery Communities


Foundation North


Auckland Council


Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board




DIA Lottery Communities 〰️ Foundation North 〰️ Auckland Council 〰️ Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board 〰️ MSD 〰️