

Job Seeking

Are you looking for a job?

Please contact the following local organisations:

  • CONNECTED - Mangere @ MSD/Work and Income Employment Centre
    93 Mascot Avenue, Mangere. Call 029 928 8019 or email

  • The Red Book Agency - based @ Mangere Town Centre Library. Call 021 866 956 or email

Are you wanting to start your own businesses?

Please contact the following local organisations:

  • Enterprising Families (C.I.D.A.N.Z) - Getting started in enterprise can be a daunting prospect. Enterprising Families is a FREE programme that takes away the fear and guides individuals and families through their enterprising journey in a clear, practical and supportive way.

  • The Generator - The Generator is where enterprising Kiwis in hardship are bringing their ideas to life, sparking innovation and abundance in our communities.