Jonny Fa’amatuainu

Who are you and what drives you?

Talofa lava, my name is Jonny Faamatuainu. Life has taken me out West, but my heart will always be in Māngere, where I was born and raised. I work for the Auckland Business Chamber.

Being a father has shaped my world view. I want to show my son that it doesn’t matter where your starting point is in life, it’s all about making opportunities and using it to the fullest. 


Why did you join the Trust?

My roots are here, and I want to help where I can to nourish and nurture the future of Māngere.  There is a wealth of beauty, history, and culture here that makes me proud to be a child of Māngere. My hopes are to pass on these positive experiences to the next generation.


What is missing from our community that you would like to see?

PRIDE-Having pride in Māngere starts from home and how we carry ourselves.  The Māngere I grew up in was resilient and proud. There have always been challenges, but our mana and community spirit got us over that. I also want to see more collaborations.
